Webinar: Writing Documents Under Pressure: Making It Easy

Chris Professional Development Program, Symposium

This article summarizes the content. (PDF) Webinar Workbook (PDF) The Plain Writing Act of 2010 requires that government employees write public documents in a clear and well-organized manner. Under short deadlines, government employees need to be able to create documents that are correct, complete, and concise. During this session, the instructors will demonstrate techniques that will help employees draft documents … Read More

Authentic Leadership in a Context of Crisis

Chris Symposium

We each have an inner sense that tells us when we are experiencing authenticity, integrity, and congruency. However, that inner knowing can become clouded and distorted by fear. How can leaders provide assurance and confidence to move forward and through a crisis without false promises or blaming and shaming others to provide the the temporary security others may be seeking? … Read More