If there was ever a time when the world needs to think out of the box, it is most certainly now!
“Think out of the box” is a common phrase used to encourage creativity or new thinking. But what exactly is “the box”? And how do you think outside it?
Thinking IN the box isn’t inherently bad. It’s unconscious patterns of thinking and delivering current results, which often serves us well. Yet, when we want to innovate beyond current output, the ability to think “out of the box” becomes crucial.
In this session, participants will explore in-the-Box and out-of-the Box thinking, and gain clarity on when and how each can be optimal, depending on circumstances and the desired outcome. Participants will discover how changing their inner thinking, shows up on the outside, and can impact the world around them. Our motto? “Change the Box, Change the World!”
This event is free and open to all who wish to participate. We encourage you to share the event information with others so they can experience the professional development opportunities TOC has to offer!
*If you are already a paid registrant you have automatically been added as an attendee for this event and do not need to register again.
As a trainer and facilitator for over 20 years, Cindy Nieves has worked in both federal service and the private sector, including two organizations renowned for top-notch customer service: Southwest Airlines and Chick-fil-A. Currently she is the Training Program Coordinator for BEA where she heads up the Mentoring and Aspiring Leader programs. She’s also a certified DISC Facilitator and her latest focus is being certified as an “In and Out of the Box” trainer. She is excited to facilitate and share “the Box” with others! Cindy has a passion for facilitating aha moments that serve to cement learning into daily use. It’s one thing to drink the Kool-Aid in a training session, yet post-learning application is sometimes difficult. Kool-Aid is sweet but long-term application is priceless.
This program covers topics in the Innovation track.
Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) covered in this session: Leading Change (Creativity and Innovation, External Awareness, Flexibility, Resilience, Strategic Thinking, Vision)