Discover & Discuss: e-Learning Doesn’t Have to Be Boring! Tips & Tricks to Energize and Engage Online Learners

  If you're like me, you've sat/snoozed through countless synchronous and asynchronous training program. Maybe you've even built or delivered programs that simply fell flat. Here's a secret - online training does not have to be boring. You can use many of the techniques that active online designers & facilitators use in the virtual classroom (with some tweaks). This session ... Read More

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Discover & Discuss: Amplify Your Influence – Lead Beyond Authority

The leadership landscape is changing. The impact of the most successful leaders now comes through their ability to influence, rather than through formal roles and organizational structures. The responsibility of leadership is high and the list of responsibilities never ends. When you rely on the power of your role to get others engaged, it can feel like a burden – ... Read More

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L&D Awards Showcase – Future of Work

Attention Federal Trainers: As the landscape of work continues to evolve rapidly, are you finding it challenging to plan for the future? Anticipating shifts in technology, remote work dynamics, and organizational needs can be daunting. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to navigate these changes effectively. Our tailored workshops and resources are designed to equip you with the latest trends, ... Read More

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L&D Awards Showcase – Leadership Development Programs

Attention Federal Trainers: Are you facing challenges in leadership development within your agency? Wondering how other federal entities are navigating similar hurdles with success? Discover actionable insights and proven strategies that can transform your leadership development initiatives. Join our exclusive knowledge-sharing platform where you can connect with peers, explore best practices, and stay ahead in fostering effective leadership. Don’t miss ... Read More

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L&D Awards Showcase – Games and Simulations

Attention Federal Trainers: Elevate your training programs to the next level with immersive games and simulations! Engage your learners like never before by incorporating interactive experiences that foster real-world decision-making skills in a safe environment. From scenario-based simulations to gamified learning modules, our innovative approach ensures deep engagement and impactful learning outcomes. Discover how these dynamic tools can enhance retention, ... Read More

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Discover & Discuss: Strategic L&D Leadership – Transforming Training into Performance and Business Value

In this session, tackle the urgent need for L&D professionals to transition from traditional training roles to strategic business partners encouraging performance. As the industry rapidly evolves, so must our approaches, moving away from standard learning development and basic evaluation metrics to more dynamic, business-aligned strategies. Discover how to navigate the shift from focusing solely on training delivery to becoming ... Read More

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L&D Awards Showcase – Virtual Training

Attention Federal learning and development professionals! Unlock the power of virtual training and development in a technical field with our specialized program designed to enhance your expertise. Dive into advanced techniques and methodologies tailored to the intricacies of acquisition, where you'll master crucial skills through immersive simulations and hands-on learning. Our innovative approach ensures you stay ahead of industry trends ... Read More

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Discover & Discuss: AI & The Kirkpatrick Model: Enhanced Learning and Performance Evaluation

In this session, tackle the challenge of modernizing training evaluation with AI. Traditional methods often fail to fully capture training effectiveness, especially in dynamic workplaces. As digital learning tools grow, so does the need for advanced, data-driven evaluation techniques. Learn from the leaders of Kirkpatrick Partners how they are utilizing AI and applying it to the Kirkpatrick Model to bridge ... Read More

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