TOC 2024 L&D Pro Academy Program
The Training Officers Consortium (TOC) is committed to offering premier professional development opportunities to our registrants, which include trainers, educators, learning executives, and human resource development specialists in the Federal government, industry, and academia. This year, TOC is piloting an L&D skills academy as premium content to a limited number of registrants to develop their skills and L&D-specific capabilities.
We know that you want to be able to feel confident in your skillset and your ability to immediately add value to your learning & development role. To do that, you need someone that can help you gain the skills and experience needed to start or continue that role with confidence. The problem is that most programs don’t focus on practical skills and there are a lot of resources and technologies to navigate which leaves you wondering where to start and feeling less confident about your ability to excel in learning & development. We know that every day you wait to get started is a potentially lost opportunity for you to make your mark on the learning and development field.
Class is full and registration is closed!