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As we start the 2020 program year, we are inspired by our theme: “Workforce 2020: Igniting the Flame; Carrying the Torch.”
In this first webinar of the year, we’ll look at how TOC has started igniting the flame. We’ll start with the end in mind by asking and answering some important questions: Why does TOC exist? What is our purpose? What value are we providing to the Federal Government learning community? How do our registrants benefit from involvement with TOC? These are questions that the TOC Executive Board takes seriously. We’ve taken them seriously for a long time, which is one reason we’ve been around for 80 years.
We carry the torch by continuing to ask even more probing questions to stay relevant and provide the kind of experience that we all value: bringing our learning community together to better serve the Government and the public.
And there’s one more question we have started to ask over the last few years: How do we measure and evaluate our progress towards successful answers to those questions?
We’ll talk about that during our webinar. We’ll present the evolution of TOC’s evaluation strategy over the years. We’ll talk about some of our goals and how we hope to track them. We’ll look at ways to assess your satisfaction, your learning, your application of learning back at your workplace, and maybe even ways TOC has made an impact for your organization and shown a return on the investment you have made in TOC.
We’ll have you participate by asking for some of the best practices you’ve put in place in your organizations. We’ll learn from each other and together focus on your mission of nurturing the flame of learning and spreading knowledge throughout your organization. In future webinars, we look forward to hearing from practitioners in Federal agencies who can explore best practices and provide rich examples and scenarios that will allow for effective learning transfer to the Federal workplace.
The September Professional Development Program speaker, Jeanette Passons, created her signature graphic notes of the webinar live during the event. For more about Jeanette’s talent, watch the recording of the September PDP.
This program covers topics in the Learning Measurement and Analytics track.
The ECQs covered include: Leading Change (Strategic Thinking) and Results Driven (Problem Solving).
Eugene de Ribeaux is President & CEO of PTG International. He joined PTG in 2003, and TOC soon after, bringing 18 years of software development and project management experience to the company. At PTG Eugene has spearheaded support for training evaluation programs at various organizations, such as IRS, DHS, OPM, World Bank, MTA, and private sector firms. Eugene received his B.S. degree from Carnegie Mellon University and his MBA from University of Maryland’s R.H. School of Business in May 2009. This year, Eugene joined the TOC Executive Board, where he is responsible for TOC Metrics & Evaluations, and Chairs the Strategic Partnerships/Vendor Relations committee. He lives with his wife and three sons in Gaithersburg, MD. Eugene’s dream is to one day sing “The Evaluation Man” – a slightly revised rendition of Sammy Davis Jr’s “The Candy Man” – at a future TOC Annual Institute.