Despite popular belief, networking is not handing out business cards. Networking is about relationships.
Today it is easy to confuse networking with the number of LinkedIn connections we have or the number of business cards passed out.
Networking is not about telling people what we do and how we do it. Networking is about relationships.
Networking and the ability to do it effectively is at TOC’s core mission for its registrants. Join us as Debra Burton Brown discusses effective strategies to realize the power of your network.
During the session this month, we’ll discover three essential ingredients for effective networking:
This will be a fun, hands-on presentation. You are invited to bring and share business cards at this presentation. You will also receive and leave with additional networking tools for your toolbox.
This Professional Development Program will cover competencies in Leading People (Developing Others) and Building Coalitions (Political Savvy); and our TOC Annual Institute theme “Inspire,” “Empower” and “Shine.”